
Congratulations to the FFA Members who attended the State FFA Convention in Brookings! 


1st Place-Megan Nash-Agriscience Research Integrated Systems

 Agriscience Fair

2nd Place-Ethan Boekelheide-Plant Systems Division 5

 State Degree Recipients

Justin Haven, Landen Melius, Megan Nash, Sawyer Styles, and Nick Troske

 Marsh FFA Scholarship Recipient

Megan Nash

 State STAR in Agriscience Finalist

Megan Nash

 CDE Results (Top 10 Teams and Top 20 Individuals)

 Ag Business Management-5th Place Team-Megan Nash (2nd place individual), Ethan Boekelheide, Landen Melius, Nick Troske

 Livestock Judging- 14th Place Individual Justin Haven

 Natural Resources- 16th Place Individual Tanner Ewalt

 Poultry Judging-10th Place Team-Rhianna Troske (12th place individual), Rian Gehring, Abigail Holmberg, and Rayden Ratigan

 Range Identification-20th Place Individual Dustin Dirksen