
Mrs. Jolinda Finley directed the Spring Play on Friday, April 12 with a matinee at 2:00 P.M. and an evening performance at 7:00 P.M.

“Three Fairy Godmothers” proved to be an entertaining, full-length play by Jerry Twedt.

Princess Dulcie is so full of spiteful tricks that she has driven away all the princes. Three retired fairy godmothers arrive, eager to help. If they can sweeten up Dulcie, they will win back their wands. Prince Royal joins them. He has come to help the king but is in disguise lest he be trapped into marrying the mean princess. Exciting events follow as the godmothers try every trick in their fairy manuals.

The play cast and crew included seniors Dustin Dirksen and Courtney Decker, juniors Ana Ratigan, Zane Sandquist, and Annie Dvorak, sophomores Shelbey Fortin, Teresa Melius, Bella Kramp, and Mareya Maas, and freshmen Allie Hoekman, Abby Schnell, Sophia Kramp, and Rayden Ratigan.